About Me

Monday, December 31, 2012

Chapter One


Chapter One Is Finished...Yay!

Now...on to Chapter Two!



Sunday, December 23, 2012

My Prologue is Finished!


I finally had the opportunity to work on my book!

My prologue is finished...Yay!
I forgot how good it feels to write!
And so it...Begins!
"And though she be but little, she is fierce."
Next...the final edit of chapter one!

Saturday, November 3, 2012

National Novel Writing Month


November is National Novel Writing Month!

So, I think it's a great time for me to start my writing blog.
I know...I have a million, and one things to do.
But I think I need to do a little raking.
It's time for me to gather my thoughts, and work on my book.
My head is full of ideas.
Not only is it full of pottery designs,
there are at least 4 books floating around in there.
I really need to get some of it out!
On December 31st,
I made a New Years Resolution to finish my book.
That was a big one!
Well, I'm no where near finished,
as a matter of fact, I hardly even worked on it.
So, I figured if I started a blog about writing...hopefully I will start to write.
Photo by Robert Broeke
This photo...or at least something like it,
has been in my head for at least 10 years now.
That's when I officially started my book.
I would work on it, then put it away, then work on it again,
then put it away, and on...and on!
I think my characters might be mad with me,
because I've ignored them for so long.
It's time to get to know them again,
and write their story!
So, come on in...
Here's a little sneak peek at what you'll find in my book!
Come on this journey with me, and lets see what happens!